Stop trying to play the game better
Change the nature
of the game
Been there, done that, didn ‘t like the T-shirt
Well, hello there!
This is us, Tessa & Annemarie. Jointly we have spent over 40 years in some pretty traditional industries. We are kindred souls wanting to make work a place where you can thrive, not just survive. We have had endless discussions over coffee (and let’s be honest, wine) to contemplate why we sometimes felt stuck in a work environment where we weren’t our best selves.
Now that we deeply understand this environment we would like to share our victories and battle scars with you. We will hand you real tools & strategies so that you too can get to a place where you feel you are Working On Your Terms.
Welcome to our coffee bar/classroom/boardroom/research lab!
Sounds familiar?
- I am totally committed to this job, but I think twice before I do or say what I think is needed.
- I want to change stuff at work, but it feels like pushing water uphill. I try to ‘power through’ but this exhausts me.
- I have a never ending to-do list. Weeks just fly by – I want to make a change but I don’t seem to get to it.
Wouldn ‘t it be great if:
- You knew where & why you naturally thrive and how to replicate that to other situations?
- You could get proven strategies and tools from people that have overcome all of that, so you save years of struggling?
- You discovered why you hold yourself back, embrace that thing and then ceremoniously shove it out the door?
Our programs
Join us and start learning with a great community! Sign-up for our exclusive programs. You can do these at your own pace and time so they fit conveniently in your life.
We will teach you how to thrive in a corporate or financial world. What does it mean to work on your terms? How do you achieve it? We will give you practical, tried & tested strategies to change the nature of the game. We won’t be giving vague tips like “just be you”. Nope, our commitment is that our strategies and tools are specific, rooted in reality, and personal.

Work on your terms

Power & influence
Master power, inspire action
Soon available

Not your average blog!
This is where we share how we Work On Our Terms ourselves. We share the tools & strategies as we apply them in real time, share our free mini-trainings, our most loved books, meditations, obsessions, fresh off the press tips and tricks, and behind-the-scenes snapshots of our weird, wonderful life.
About red pill, blue pill and feeding dogs.
I was sipping a lovely espresso. The sun was in my face, jazzy music in the background. I overheard the two people at the table next to me complain about their work situation. That is when it struck me. People, including myself, are really clear on what they do not...
Let’s get you started – our nicely wrapped gifts especially for you

“I get by with a little help from my friends“
Our e-book with influencing strategies that
you can start using today.

“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life“
A free check-list containing an awesome, proven daily habit used by the most highly performing folks we know.

“Take my hand, we ’ll make it I swear“
Access to our WOYT Instagram account where we share tips, updates and inspiration.
Or check out our favorite ‘pantry’ stocked with books, videos and all kinds of inspiration.
Giving is Living
We donate 10% of our profits to Plan International, a charity that enhances equality for girls.
We are
Walk-in-the-wood-ers, Educators,
Soon-to-be-Podcasters, Battlescar wearers, Mama’s
and BFF, stubborn-as-heck over-achievers.
But most of all committed to make you thrive in the environments we know all too well..